“I strive to create an energetic, fun, loving, and safe learning environment for my students where my students can thrive and become well-rounded human beings. In my view, being a teacher is also being an educator, supporter, mentor, coach, cheerleader, and more. ”
Taylor Rickabus
Vocabulary, Math, & Grammar Teacher
VDA Teacher since 2021
Tell me a little about your personal and educational background.
I was born and raised in Orange County, and I am a California girl at heart, but I love to venture out and explore new places. I received my BA in Psychology, with a minor in Family Studies and Human Development, from the University of Arizona. As part of my undergraduate work, I studied business psychology abroad for a semester, in Barcelona, Spain. Shortly after graduating in 2019, I was licensed as a Pediatric Sleep Consultant (yes, I trained babies how to sleep!). It was a good learning experience, but it was not my calling; I decided to go back to school to follow my dream of becoming a teacher. I received my teaching credentials in December of 2020, after which I student-taught sixth-grade history and sixth through eighth-grade independent study. In October (2021), I will have completed Master’s in Education from National University. I have worked as a nanny since I was 13 years old and have never stopped finding joy in working with children. I always turn back to this quote: “While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.”
When and why did you decide to become a teacher?
My whole life I have looked for ways to be a helping hand: whether it be going on missions to Mexico with my church, babysitting, or being the designated teacher’s helper throughout my years as a student. At the end of my college career, I reflected on the number of teachers I have had who have helped me become the woman I am today. This is what ultimately influenced me to take on their role. I cannot wait to be that helping hand for my future students at VanDamme Academy. I strive to create an energetic, fun, loving, and safe learning environment for my students where my students can thrive and become well-rounded human beings. In my view, being a teacher is also being an educator, supporter, mentor, coach, cheerleader, and more. Teaching is my true passion and dream.
If you specialize in a subject, what made you choose that specialty?
At first, because I was studying psychology in college, I thought I would have the most interest in teaching high-school psychology. That desire changed when I had the opportunity to student-teach in junior high. I found that I connected with junior high students deeply, and I found immense joy in teaching them, so I changed my mind about teaching high school. I am thrilled that at VanDamme Academy I will have the opportunity to teach a range of subjects to a range of ages. I am an ambitious learner, and I want to expand my horizons and specialize in as many subjects as I can until I settle on the ones I enjoy most.
What brought you to VanDamme Academy?
I am very thankful to have discovered VanDamme Academy. I am dear friends with my now coworker, Shae Forbes. She had mentioned VanDamme Academy multiple times to me before I finally took the time to research more about it. After reading the policies of “no homework” and “no talking about college,” I was instantly drawn to the school. Growing up, there was always intense pressure to finish my homework, get A’s, and eventually get into the best college. The pressure was sometimes so intense that I was unable to enjoy the process of learning. VanDamme Academy blew my expectations out of the water; this school truly understands the importance of a well-rounded education. After reading and inquiring about the school, I decided to watch documentary, “A Little Candle.” I knew after watching it that I needed to be a part of this unique and amazing educational community. I am blessed now to be able to teach at a school that values education in the best way possible. I am so excited to be a part of the VanDamme Academy and help children find joy in learning.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I am a very active “go-go” person. In my free time, I enjoy working out. I have learned that keeping my body active keeps my mind happy. Being active is my form of therapy. After my trip abroad to Spain, my “cultural lens” was expanded. I learned that I love to travel, and I am always fascinated by the cultures of other countries. Other than that, quality time with my family and friends is very important to me. A unique fact about me is that I have an obsession with Australian Shepherds. My family has had three throughout my life. We currently have two named Onyx and Ozzy. They love to keep us on our toes.